Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Coconut Butter Thins

Was I the only one that walked around singing "you put de lime in de coconut" while making these? I put the dough together on Sunday night, pretty simple steps. Sugar and lime zest and butter and then the flour, cornstarch and spice. Mix in your coconuts and macadamia nuts and roll out. The recipe calls for coriander but I didn't have any and used cardamon instead. The dough was super sticky but it did taste good, I might have had a taste. Once it was together I stuck it in the gallon-sized ziploc, per Dorie's directions, and rolled it out as evenly as I could in the bag. I refrigerated it until earlier today when I took it out and sliced it up. I was concerned about having gotten the dough too thin and about spreading, mainly because both of these problems came up on the Q&A. They did spread and some of mine got a little too brown, but they still tasted fine. I have to admit though that these were not my favorite but the people I shared them with seemed to like them a lot. Also I forgot to take a picture of them after they baked..oops!
Thanks to Jayne of The Barefoot Kitchen Witch for this week's selection!


Anonymous said...

I loved these cookies. They were so easy and delicious.

Unknown said...

I'm with you - not my favorite cookie but the dough was yummy :)

Engineer Baker said...

Yeah, everyone who tried them liked them. I was a bit meh. But easy cookie recipes are nice to have every once in a while :)

TeaLady said...

Easy. Tasty. Addicting. Sorry you didn't feel the same way.

TeaLady said...

Yeah, it does get pretty sticky in the deep south. got stuck in traffic in july in memphis. Not a fun time. Just as bad here in La.