Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie: Brrrr-ownies

There weren't as many York peppermint patties in these as there should have been, admittedly it's my fault. I love peppermint patties and I couldn't not open the bag I had specifically purchased for these. Before I knew it I had eaten a lot of them, luckily I still had enough for the brownies. A very easy brownie recipe, mostly chocolate with a little bit of flour to hold them together, my favorite kind. The peppermint patty chunks kind of exploded in the batter during the baking process, which I didn't mind but a few places had 'blow outs' of space where the chunks had melted into the batter. I'll be making these again, they're really good chilled too and definitely warrant a glass of milk.Thanks to Karen of Welcome to Our Crazy Blessed Life for this week's selection.

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