Claire DeWitt and the Bohemian Highway by Sara Gran
Snapper by Brian Kimberling
Plus Doug and I listened to Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris on the way to/from the beach.
I heard about the Claire DeWitt books via NPR books when the newest book came out back a few weeks ago. The first book sounded interesting and I was able to get it for $3.99 in the Kindle store. I sailed through it in a couple of days and really liked it. It's a mystery book but with a very modern protagonist who doesn't always make the smartest decisions. The first book (City of the Dead) is set in New Orleans, I enjoy reading about a city I'm somewhat familiar with. The second book is set in San Francisco and was also a really enjoyable and quick read. I'm super anxious for the next book (at least I hope there is a next book).
Snapper was another book I heard about on NPR, it was described as a 'love letter to Indiana'. It's also a series of shorter stories with the same narrator/character, a style I usually might dislike but it works here.