Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Slow-Roasted Tomatoes

Currently my garden only seems to be producing okra and cherry tomatoes. But given the heat index and the lack of rain I'll take what I can get. Over the past week I accumulated enough tomatoes to slow-roast in the oven and use for pasta. 
The slow-roasted tomato 'recipe' comes from Smitten Kitchen and they were delicious. I let mine roast for about 2.5 hours and I was out of garlic so I skipped it. 
Once they were roasted I boiled a cup of capellini pasta and tossed it together with the tomatoes, salt, pepper and fresh Parmesan for lunch. Making these tomatoes and worth turning the oven on for.


lynseym said...

i love low and slow tomatoes roasted like this. sooo yummy and raisin-y!

Beth said...

That pasta looks fantastic! Thanks for the great idea.