Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Rosy Poached Pear & Pistachio Tart

My apologies for last week, I bailed on TWD, I was busy and not exactly feeling the Holiday Bundt. But please go visit Britin's blog The Nitty Britty for the recipe and to see how pretty it is.

My TWD baking mojo has been off the last two weeks, first with the bundt and now with the tart. I've learned it's just not a good idea to attempt to make a very involved dessert on Thanksgiving morning, no matter how much time you give yourself. The short story is that I burned the tart crust and had to trash it, made something else to take on Thanksgiving, made the pistachio cream and pears and left them in the fridge until Sunday. When I finally removed the items from the fridge, the pears had the texture of organ meat (blech) and the pastry cream was a grayish color. I tried my best to salvage it but it was just ick. We tried a little of it but I don't think it was good at all - totally my fault. Anyway, go visit Lauren at I'll Eat You to get the recipe and see what it's actually supposed to look like when you don't screw it up.


Amanda said...

Oh bummer :( I had to pass this week, posted Nutella Peanut Butter Cookies instead that I made a few weeks ago. The holiday put me way behind, just never had time! ;-/

Lillian said...

I made it, but I wasn't terribly impressed. Better luck next week!

Susan said...

Sorry nothing worked out for you! I passed on this one. Didn't have the two main ingredients and went with something else...Dorie's Blueberry pie.